Art collection
Hand-drawing animation
Animation created frame by frame in Clip Studio Paint.
Skeleton animation
Illustrator was used to draw various parts of the character, and then imported into Crazytalk to create animations with built-in movements. The background was drawn using CSP and then imported into Crazytalk.
Dance of Malayan night heron
Malayan night heron have an inexplicable attraction for me. The way they sit in a daze on the grass, the way they twist their necks, and the way they raise their heads and look around even though there is nothing around them ,those all make me have a magical feeling. It feels a bit like the pigeon animation created by Kéké, which will make people stare intently.
Nightmare :]
The lines spoken by the live-action host during role-playing in the game are added to music clips and then used to present the story in the style of an animated trailer.
MCC animation
MCC (minecraft championship) is a minecraft competition organized by Noxcrew. It is mainly for streamers and youtubers to participate. The background music is Win It All by Derivakat.